GCA Takes on Roadside Litter


GCA is in the early stages of a campaign to reduce roadside litter in Groton. We’ve had preliminary talks with members of the Town Council, Department of Public Works, Conservation Commission and police force. Progress is not yet visible to the public, but seeds have been planted. 

We believe a good start toward keeping roadways cleaner would be to post a limited number of no-littering signs on town and state roads. Groton, to our knowledge, has none at present, even though littering is a finable offense under state law.

The message on signs is yet to be determined. We’ve had a number of suggested candidates, most of them from the town Department of Public Works, under Director Gary Schneider. They vary in tone from stern to philosophical to funny. The list below shows only the slogan, not the caution against littering that would accompany it.

The suggestions so far:  Be part of the solution, not the pollution; Feed the can, man; Slam dunk the junk; You think we like picking up after you? (with a photo of a mom and dad); I hate that empty feeling inside (seen on a trash receptacle); Put trash in its place; Join the green side (with an image of Darth Vader);  If you litter, the future will be bitter; Reuse, Reduce, Recycle; Fill me up buttercup (seen on another trash receptacle)

Reader, if you have a message of your own, please share it with us at groconadv2017@gmail.com